Medical services
Are you in need of work-related medical or preventive care or just need an appointment for an examination appointment?
We'd be delighted to help and provide advice!
Medical attendance to companies of all types
Occupational medical care to companies of all industries and in all employers' liability insurance associations (Berufsgenossenschaften) in accordance with DGUV regulations 2 (German Social Accident Insurance) (regular care with in line base- & company-specific care model as well as Entrepreneurial Model type care):
- support with preparation and/or revision of risk assessments
- occupational medical care consultation of, as well as cooperation with, employers, on-the-job safety officers, works/staff council, disabled employees representatives, safety administrator e.g. for issues as ergonomics, mental stress in the workplace, etc.
- Instructing and training of employees regarding occupational medical issues
- Participation at ASA (Industrial Safety Committe) meetings, site inspections
- Support with establishing and managing of a company health management
- Managing workforce reintegration: supporting reintegration of employees after long-term illness or those with reduced or impaired performance
- Assistance with setting up a company's first-aid capabilities
- Accident investigation
- Support with prevention of occupational diseases
- Individual health consultation for staff members (disease prevention, consulation around travel and medication), e.g. also within the framework of with occupation-medical prevention
- Occupational medical prevention – mandatory, optional and customized health programs in compliance with Arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorgeverordnung (ArbMedVV) (Preventive Occupational Medicine Regulation) – including mandated certifications for both employers and employees with schedules for re-examination, in accordance to the law
- Completion of medical exams in compliance with several statutory regulations (e.g. in accordance with Strahlenschutzverordnung StrlSchV (Radiation Protection Regulations) and Röntgenverordnung RöV (German X-ray Ordinance)
- Conducting aptitude tests, e.g. for driving, steering, and monitoring activities
- Conducting pre-employment examinations in compliance with risk assessment rating for the planned job assignment
Preventive Care & Medicine
- Support of preventive measures to promote good health (both in a company setting as well as on a personal level). Examples: ergonomics solutions in the workplace, mental health.
Medical care for Sick and Injured
Medical care is available for acutely ill and/or injured persons at the ICO: